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VISConti on Creativity

Creativity in Nanotechnology and Nanoscience.
It is an project idea of one of the students in class.
The main product of the project is the Regional Program of Supporting Children and Young Talents. The key document of the program constituting psycho-pedagogical foundations to support gifted students and giving theoretical basis is the concept of supporting giftedness in the Malopolska province. The concept takes into account the latest theories and research on abilities and their supporting, organizational assumptions and detailed rules for the implementation of the program, the principles of quality provision in preparation and implementation of the program. Another worked out part of the Regional Program of Supporting Children and Young Talents is a system of diagnosis of giftedness, which determines the basis of methodological and organizational diagnosis and includes nomination sheets for gifted students, developed on the basis of psychological characteristics of a gifted pupil at various stages of development and its cognitive functioning in the territory of each competence key covered by the project. The sheet was the basis for reporting students for in-depth investigation by tests aptitude diagnosis. Developed within the project diagnostic tests consisted of a psychological part, for identifying the intellectual potential of the learner and the educational part for the diagnostic level of competence direction in the area of mathematics, English, ICT. Building a system of work with gifted students requires standardized software solutions, which should form the basis of effective teaching and educational work, and a very important component of the program was to support the development of giftedness. Their scope and nature is a reflection of the approach of supporting gifted students. A very important aspect of a systematic approach to working with the talented student is early childhood education, which has a decisive impact on the further development of the child. Therefore, in the process of programming work with gifted students, a program of supplementing for the first stage of education, aimed at developing the skills of creative thinking, was prepared . The program can be incorporated into the school curriculum and implemented within classes as a support for the early education program chosen by the teacher. In the development of the program, as the substantive and methodological basis, team of authors used the latest theories of creative thinking.
Topic chosen because students were very interested in nanoscience and nanotechnology. We were very surprised by their imagination. They imagine many areas and application of nanotechnology. The students don't study anything about this area in school so they had to make research and together we discovered new things.
Shared by a teacher in VET.
The students worked together with their teacher, Carmen Neguleasa, for a wonderful project. The students had questions and on their work they got answers. Their teacher encouraged them to find answers and we can see a great communication between them.    

Diamond - to recognize and to activate capabilities, energies, talents
It was an idea that won an award.
The aim of the project was to develop and implement a system of software and organizational solutions to support the development of students’ key competencies and ICT, the English language, entrepreneurship and mathematics. These, in perspective, will contribute to the improvement in the quality of education process, increase the chances of success in further career education and improve the ability of students for future employment.
Shared by a teacher in mainstream education
Project co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund awarded by the Minister of Regional Development as the BEST INVESTMENT IN HUMAN 2012

Touristic guide using App Inventor 2
The goal of the project was to create a touristic guide of Municipality of Paionia in the prefecture of Kilkis on IOS/Android. The application contains important sights, hotels, restaurants and night life, through four steps-screens. The life cycle of the project development contained the analysis and design of the problem, the development and finally the integration and the testing of the application. For the development, we used the App Inventor tool, which is a tool used to develop applications for mobile electronic devices, such as smart phones and tablets.
The evolution of technology requires the development of those skills and attitudes for the effective use of new tools that are developed in the field of Information Technology and Communications (ICT). This project aimed to the stimulation of the students improving their creativity and innovating skills through teamwork and collaboration. Also, it was helpful for the students so as to understand the needs of the modern market and customers and simultaneously to realize what they need in order to find the job they desire.
Shared from Axioupoli, Greece by a teacher in VET.
It is a idea the teacher read about.

Creativity in Kitchen
Video made by the students about creativity ans science in a catering school at Valeggio Sul MIncio. It describes what creativity is in kitchen when a student is unifying the elements to obtain something else.
Shared from Polo Europeo della Conoscenza - Fumane, Italy by a teacher in VET and Coordinator of Projects for a Network of Educational Institutions
It is an concept from local industry.
Students as teachers for one day
Lesson prepared by students, about science using robots. The students has prepared the lesson, recorded and play the main role into the video -lesson. Those pedagogical features have been improved in our educational Institutions.
Shared from Polo Europeo della Conoscenza - Fumane, Italy by a teacher in VET and Coordinator of Projects for a Network of Educational Institutions
It is a personal idea for a science project.


VISConti is collecting ideas from teachers and students from VET as well as from science professionals in the industry. These are project ideas that these members of VISConti consider creative.

This is a temporary visual presentation of the ideas shared by our members. In time these will be classified according to field and key words but we thought we should share it as early as possible in order that the ideas of others may inspire others.

We are working on the future of this gallery also regarding content.

Members of VISConti can share with us ideas in science that they consider creative.

They can share ideas in text only or else in video format or text. We have created online forms so that anyone sharing an idea can have help with developing the idea and the video shooting activity in the case of video. For any questions and support please feel free to send us your questions to so that we can give you feedback and possibly use your questions to improve the tools provided.

You can submit your idea in text                 You can submit your idea in text and video

VISConti Activities

Community of Practice
