This activity involves the drawing up of recommendations to an audience that includes, teachers and trainers in VET, policy and decision makers in VET, Industry and SME's and players in VET schools in general.
It includes the collation of reactions from the partnership and from members of the UPPScience Community of Practice in order that the recommendations may be based at least in part on persons from within the community.
Recommendations will be directed at the value and benefit of having creativity and learning communities as parts of teacher education and the way forward for a closer and more constructive relationship between VET and industry, as a vehicle for better employment opportunities for individuals who grow together in communities of practice.
The leader of the effort to develop and deliver this IO will be NTNU drawing on the result of IO5 and on the reactions of all the partnership to the UPPScience experience. It will be supported by VisMedNet as leader of the IO2 and IO6, CEEI Burgos on the aspect of the engagement of industry, by Akdeniz and ValIda as key players in the development of IO1 and IPP as leader of IO5.
This IO will be one of the subjects of the Multiplier Events organised by UPPScience in its reaching out effort to stakeholders and players in VET and industry. They will be drawn up in English with the summary being translated to languages according to the needs of the partners to use in their respective local, regional and national dissemination effort.
The cost of developing this IO is exclusively staff costs of the partners involved in the development and delivery of the output.
O7 A1The drawing of conclusions of IO5.
Partner wide consultation on structure and content of the recommendations.
Drafting of the recommendations.
Publication of the UPPScience recommendations.